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Ductless HVAC Systems and Energy-Efficiency

Every homeowner wants to create an indoor space where each member of the family can feel comfortable. Ductless HVAC systems not only help you do this for your Summerfield, NC home, but they can also improve your overall energy-efficiency.

Control Your Home by Zones

Ductless HVAC systems are meant to cool or heat your home by zones. This means they take care of rooms in your home independently from each other. Therefore, if a room is empty, you can turn the system off instead of wasting energy managing its temperature which leads to higher energy-efficiency.

Lower Your Energy Bills

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, ductless units consume 30 percent less energy than central air conditioning systems that rely on ductwork. For this reason, many ductless HVAC systems are recognized for being highly energy-efficient and, therefore, have earned an Energy Star Certification.

Avoid Unnecessary Energy Loss

Ducts are often associated with energy loss, especially if they are not properly sealed and insulated. Similarly, ducts also entail higher energy spent, ensuring proper airflow. Since ductless systems don’t need ducts to cool or heat your home efficiently, they don’t waste energy like their counterparts.

Get Up and Running Quickly

Ductless units are relatively quick and easy to install. As a result, installing these units is less , time-consuming than installing a central air conditioning system. Forget waiting endless hours, or even days, to keep your home comfortable. Our team of installation specialists can usually complete the process in just a couple of hours.

Ready to invest in a ductless HVAC system for your home? At Total Heating & Cooling, Inc., find out how our team of technicians and installation specialists can take your through the whole process from finding a unit that suits your home and budget, as well as installing it in your home here or by contacting us today.

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