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How is the Fuel Piping for Your Gas Appliances?

For the sake of safety as well as convenience, it’s critical to make sure the fuel lines that serve the various appliances throughout your Greensboro, NC home are in good condition. We all know, for example, that gas leaks are nothing to fool around with.

That’s why you’re much better off to get your fuel piping checked before a leak occurs. Whether or not you’ve been proactive about this crucial matter in the past, the important thing to know is that whenever you’re facing appliance fuel-line issues or feeling concerned about your family’s safety, a fuel line replacement professional will have the training and experience to help.

The Condition of Your Fuel Lines is a Safety Issue

Few people even give a second thought to the fuel lines that serve the appliances in their home. For proper appliance function and avoidance of dangerous gas leaks, the piping that delivers the natural gas that powers your home heating, clothes drying, cooking, and water heating must remain in good, serviceable condition.

That means the piping must be undented and otherwise undamaged. It should also be free from corrosion and tightly connected at every joint or any other connection point.

Fuel Line Replacement to Upgrade Your Peace of Mind

Learn more about fuel piping and fuel line replacement right here on our website or call our office at (336) 739-4320 to schedule an inspection of the gas lines serving the appliances your family depends on every day. The fuel line experts at Total Heating & Cooling, Inc. are trained to spot issues that need correcting before they become safety hazards.

If your gas has already been turned off due to a leak, our reliable re-piping experts will handle the job promptly. We’ll replace the damaged line with new, sturdy piping. You can count on us to install your new fuel piping safely and correctly to get your appliances back up and running.

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