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Humidifiers are Especially Useful During the Dry Winter Months

When Old Man Winter comes to visit Summerfield, NC, he brings more than just bitter cold and snow. Winter also ushers in exceedingly dry air, which can make you uncomfortable and even leave you susceptible to illness. Fortunately, a whole-home humidifier is a simple and cost-effective solution that comes with some wonderful benefits.

Enjoy Cozy and Comfortable Heat

When temperatures drop, humidity levels almost always follow. Cranking up your thermostat can make matters even worse. Most heating systems produce heat without adding much moisture, which can make the air in your home excessively dry. This can pull moisture from your body, making your skin itchy, your lips chapped and your eyes, nose and throat parched. A humidifier works in concert with your heating system to manage both heat and humidity for maximum comfort.

Don’t Let Dry Air Make You Sick

Dessicated winter air can quickly dry out your nasal passages and make your throat feel scratchy and irritated. As it turns out, that’s more than just an annoyance. By drying out and irritating your body’s mucous membranes, dry air can actually make you more vulnerable to pathogens. Even worse, airborne viruses and bacteria tend to thrive in relatively low humidity levels. By adding just enough moisture to the air in your home, a whole-home humidifier can help protect you against common winter illnesses.

Experience Rest and Relaxation

Everyone knows the importance of a good night’s sleep, but the dry air of winter isn’t great for getting rest. Your body naturally loses moisture as you sleep, but that happens even faster when humidity is low. When your respiratory tract dries out, you may become more likely to snore and less likely to sleep soundly. As a result, keeping the humidity in your home within a comfortable range helps promote better sleep and overall well-being.

This winter, make improved humidity control a key to a happier, healthier, and more comfortable home. Call the experts at Total Heating & Cooling, Inc. to learn more about whole-home humidifiers and other top-notch indoor air quality solutions.

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