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Ventilators Promote a Healthy Airflow Through Your Home

Originally published in August 2018

Many Greensboro, NC many homes are sealed tight to conserve energy. People always like saving money on their utility bills. However there’s still indoor air quality (IAQ) to consider. Without proper airflow, the air in your home becomes rife with toxins that are harmful to your health. Fortunately, stagnant indoor air can be corrected with whole-house ventilation systems.

Recovery Ventilation Systems

Energy recovery ventilation systems (ERVs) and heat recovery ventilation systems (HRVs) work to push stuffy air out while bringing fresh air in. In winter, HRVs use heat from the outgoing stale air to warm incoming cold air. In summer, ERVs use the coolness from outgoing stale air to chill incoming warm air. ERVs and HRVs are the most energy-efficient ventilation systems on the market. Outgoing stale air is used to heat and cool incoming fresh air instead of using extra energy to do so..

Exhaust Ventilation Systems

Exhaust systems are comprised of vents, fans, and ducts that push stale air out. However, these systems only work if you have a source that lets fresh air in. These systems work best in cold climates. That’s because, in warmer regions, they can generate too much indoor moisture and humidity.

Supply Ventilation Systems

Supply ventilators are the opposite of exhaust systems. Therefore, they use a fan and ductwork to draw fresh air inside and disburse it throughout one or more rooms. Supply systems require a means of getting rid of old, stuffy air. These systems are effective in warm climates because they don’t cause humidity problems.

Balanced Ventilation Systems

Balanced systems filter incoming air to prevent pollen, dust, and other allergens from entering your home. They pull fresh air in and push stuffy air out without additional assistance. However, The downside is that they push conditioned air outside as well, reducing your system’s efficiency.

To learn more about Trane’s FreshEffects™ Energy Recovery ventilators, visit Total Heating & Cooling, Inc. Call us today if you’d like to discuss your indoor air quality.

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